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Our Intimate Backyard Vineyard

That's right, we have grapes, people. And LOTS of them. Our closing and moving-in stage happened so quickly that we didn't even know this long row of mature muscadine vines was growing on the north side of our backyard! Not to mention it was March so nothing was green yet and these vines tend to look pretty bramble-y until around late April.

While our vines are very well-established, they've clearly been neglected for the past few years, so we had some of our good friends at Post Winery come out to help us sort through the mess and educate us on how healthy vines should grow. Thankfully, a few of them still have real hope so we're pruning what we can and training the new growth to get the very most out of these happy little surprises.

Just a few months later and we are seeing little grape bunches all along our lines! Have I ever wanted a glass of wine more than I do right now? Maybe not.

We're using this first summer as our learning year, seeing what vines produce, and which ones probably need to be cut down. I just think it's so exciting to walk out everyday and check on our grapes! My mind is already swirling with ideas for transforming this part of our backyard into a dreamy little vineyard/garden that we never want to leave!


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